Buying A Home

Buying A Home

At Moosa Realty Group, we understand that buying a home is one of the most significant decisions you'll ever make. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a smooth and successful journey to homeownership. Here’s an overview of the essential steps in buying a home with us:


1. Get Pre-Approved

The first step in your home-buying journey is getting pre-approved for a mortgage. This involves working with a lender to determine how much you can borrow. Pre-approval not only helps you understand your budget but also shows sellers that you are a serious buyer. Our team can connect you with trusted lenders to make this process seamless.


2. The Home Search

With your pre-approval in hand, it’s time to start searching for your dream home. Our experienced agents will work closely with you to understand your preferences and needs. We use advanced tools and market knowledge to find homes that match your criteria. Whether you’re looking for a starter home, an investment property, or a luxury estate, we’ve got you covered.


3. Making An Offer

When you find the perfect home, we will help you craft a competitive offer. This includes determining a fair price based on market analysis and recent sales in the area. Our team will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible deal, while also making sure your offer stands out to sellers.


4. Going Under Contract

Once your offer is accepted, you will go under contract. This is a critical phase where we will guide you through the necessary paperwork and deadlines. We will coordinate with all parties involved to ensure a smooth transition to the next steps.


5. Home Inspection

A home inspection is crucial to identify any potential issues with the property. We will help you schedule a thorough inspection and review the report with you. If any repairs or adjustments are needed, we will negotiate with the seller to address these concerns before moving forward.


6. Home Appraisal

Your lender will require an appraisal to ensure the home is worth the purchase price. We will coordinate with the appraiser and keep you informed throughout the process. If the appraisal comes in lower than expected, we will work with you and the seller to reach a satisfactory resolution.


7. The Final Walkthrough

Before closing, you will have the opportunity to conduct a final walkthrough of the home. This is your chance to ensure that any agreed-upon repairs have been made and that the property is in the condition expected. Our team will be there to assist you and address any last-minute concerns.


8. Closing!

The final step is closing, where you will sign the necessary documents and take ownership of your new home. We will be with you at the closing table to ensure everything goes smoothly. Once the paperwork is completed, you will receive the keys to your new home and can start the exciting new chapter of homeownership.

At Moosa Realty Group, we are committed to making your home-buying experience as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. Contact us today to get started on your journey to finding your perfect home!


  • Remove all superfluous items to create more space.
  • Deep clean and declutter.
  • Remove all children and pet toys.
  • Remove pet bowls, crates, etc.
  • Open curtains and turn lights on.
  • Replace all burned-out lightbulbs.
  • Hide unattractive views with semi-sheer curtains.
  • Turn all fans off.
  • Remove all family photographs.
  • Remove signs of political or religious preferences.
  • Remove any newspapers magazines or mail.
  • Make all beds.
  • Clear clutter.
  • Remove all personal items.
  • Tidy up toys clothes and valuables.
  • Create space in closets by removing extra clothing (70% cleared out).
  • Replace toilet paper with fresh rolls.
  • Leave the toilet seat down.
  • Clear all clutter or countertops.
  • Remove all rugs/bathmats.
  • Remove soap and shampoo containers.
  • Remove dirty towels.
  • Arrange fresh accent towels (preferably white).
  • Place a small fresh plant out for decoration
  • Remove small appliances from the counters.
  • Remove all rugs and dishtowels.
  • Place fresh flowers or a fruit bowl on the counter for decoration.
  • Remove magnets from the refrigerator.
  • Ensure that all visible areas are freshly cleaned.
  • Store garbage can out of sight.
  • Replace the paper towel with fresh rolls.
  • Turn off the TV and hide the remotes.
  • Place pillows and throw blankets neatly in place.
  • Declutter coffee tables and shelves
  • Declutter all areas.
  • Place a simple centerpiece on the table.
  • Ensure that chairs are neatly arranged.
  • Place garbage bins in the garage.
  • Ensure hoses are coiled neatly.
  • Uncover and clean barbeques.
  • Close the garage door.
  • Ensure landscaping is freshly manicured.
  • Place a fresh wreath and doormat at the entrance to the home.

Work With Us

Whether you’re buying or selling, it’s ultimately about realizing a dream. We understand how much the decision will mean to you. In fact, that’s one of the reasons we got into real estate – to help people buy or sell a home, while making the process easy and trouble-free.

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